

Bladder Repair or Replace

If your kite or wing isn't holding air, whether the leak is large or small, Comox Kite Repair can offer the care it requires .

We offer a wide range of bladder repair options.

Bladder Blow-Outs

 Often a tear in the leading edge or strut fabric leads to a bladder blow-out. This kind of bladder failure can often be repaired for less than the cost of a replacement bladder. The thinned and deformed bladder material around the blow-out is trimmed away and the hole patched in one of two ways.

1. TearAid Patch

A thinner layer of TPU is placed inside the bladder covering the hole, and a large TearAid patch is applied to the outside, with generous overlap on the edges. This inner layer of film is required to prevent the TearAid from adhering to the opposing side of the bladder. While this method is less expensive, it adds more weight from the multiple layers of film and large overlaps, and is best suited for smaller blow-outs & pinholes.

$40 & up

2. Welded Patch

This is the deluxe method, the strongest repair that minimizes added weight. A patch of US-made TPU (kite bladder film) is thermally welded around the cut-out perimeter, with marginal overlaps. The welding process has been engineered with precision-machined fixtures and micro-processor controlled equipment, to weld with consistency equivalent to, or better than, the edge welding process used to fabricate bladders. Often a bladder needs to be removed from the kite or wing to clean and weld.

$45 & up

Leak Detection & Repair

Most people don't realize their kite leaks. We inflate kites inside and overnight, enabling us to notice leaks people may not be aware of in a two-hour session.

It can be frustrating and hard to locate, but with CKR's large leak testing tank, we leak test bladders using soapy water to locate pinholes quickly and patch with TearAid. We can also leak test bladders removed from kites.

*TearAid is a registered trademark of TEARepair Inc.

$45 & up
We offer FULL LEAK REPAIR however NOT ALL LEAKS CAN BE FOUND! We find the leaks about 90% of the time.

Valve Replacements

For delaminated valves, if the underlying bladder film is still in good condition, CKR can re-attach the valve with KiteAid valve adhesive. If the underlying film is damaged, a patch can be welded in, followed by an adhesive-backed replacement valve. CKR carries an assortment of replacement valves for many common kite brands. Older kites tent to have valve delamination issues, if one valve goes they will all go CKR can re-glue entire bladder sets.

*KiteAid is a registered trade mark of KiteAid Inc.

$30 & up

Bladder Repair Pricing

TearAid Patching
Holes & Deformed Bladder

TearAid patch

Less than 10cm wide & up to 10cm in length - $40

Additional length add - $1.65/cm

Bladder Weld
Bladder Cleaning

depending on size, rinse or invert & clean

$25 - $65

Blow-Out Patch Welding

not at seams, includes leak testing

Length & width 15cm - $75

Over 15cm - $1.75/cm

Edge Welding

includes cleaning & leak testing

Less than 15cm - $45

More than 15cm - $1/cm


on or over a seam

Add $25 per seam

Bladder Valve Repairs
Valve Re-Attachment

with Airtime valve trap


Valve Re-Attachment

by re-gluing

Per Valve - $25

With TearAid Patch - $35

Valve Replacement

with new peel & stick valve. Includes cleaning & new valve.



stick on inflate valve installed

$75 - $100

Pinhole Leak Testing & Patching

screening test with bladder in kite

Leading Edge - $45

Per Strut - $8

Wing - $30

Kite Bladder Remove & Reinstall (re&re)

stick on inflate valve installed

$75 - $100

Leading Edge Bladder re&re

remove & replace leading edge bladder

Single strut - $50

Three strut - $65

Five strut - $75

Valve Glueing

 reglueing valves onto bladder

Partial Bladder Pull & Local Leak Locate

center section & leak locate

half pull & leak locate



Strut Bladder re&re

remove & replace strut bladder


With Tie-Offs - $25

Wing Bladder Remove & Reinstall (re&re)

remove & replace leading edge bladder


Strut Bladder re&re

remove & replace strut bladder


With Tie-Offs - $25

Bladder Rinse
Bladder Rinse

rinse inside of bladder to remove sharp salt crystals & dry
